Obducat: Obducat receives order from Wuhan University, China

By |2015-04-23T11:00:11+00:00April 23rd, 2015|

OBDUCAT, leading manufacturer of lithography solutions based on nanoimprint lithography (NIL), has signed a contract concerning the supply of an EITRE® 6 NIL system to the highly regarded Wuhan University (WHU), China. The EITRE system will be installed in the Center of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Research at Wuhan University which is considered to be among [...]


By |2015-04-16T09:00:17+00:00April 16th, 2015|

OBDUCAT, leading manufacturer of lithography solutions based on nanoimprint lithography (NIL), has been invited to participate in a transnational project named MOSAICS. The project has been initiated by the European collaboration organization eurostarsTM. The project is focused on the development and commercialization of Dye-sensitized Solar Cell’s (DSSC) with a special emphasis on smart windows and [...]

Obducat: Obducat receives order from Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

By |2014-12-09T07:30:15+00:00December 9th, 2014|

OBDUCAT, leading manufacturer of lithography solutions based on nanoimprint lithography (NIL), has received an order for the supply of an EITRE® 3 NIL system to the renowned Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM). The order value is approx. 1.6 MSEK. The EITRE system has been purchased by the Facultad de Ciencias, UNAM and it will [...]

Obducat: Obducat signs collaboration agreement with University of Science and Technology of China

By |2014-12-04T07:30:24+00:00December 4th, 2014|

OBDUCAT, leading manufacturer of lithography solutions based on nanoimprint lithography (NIL), have signed a collaboration agreement with Institute of Advanced Technology (IAT) at University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), Hefei, China. The collaboration agreement focus on development of next generation of LED technology. USTC placed an order for an Eitre® 6 NIL system [...]

Obducat: Obducat confirms delivery approval of the SINDRE® 400 NIL system

By |2014-11-28T07:45:20+00:00November 28th, 2014|

OBDUCAT, leading manufacturer of lithography solutions based on nanoimprint lithography (NIL), have received delivery approval, after performing the FAT (Factory Acceptance Test), of the SINDRE® 400 NIL system that was ordered by an Asian customer earlier this year. Installation at customer site is planned to be performed during January. The delivery approval represents an important [...]

Obducat: Obducat receives order from Yamagata University in Japan

By |2014-11-26T15:30:14+00:00November 26th, 2014|

OBDUCAT, leading manufacturer of lithography solutions based on nanoimprint lithography (NIL), has signed a contract concerning the supply of an EITRE® 3 NIL system to Yamagata University in Japan. The order value is approx. 1.4 MSEK. The EITRE system will be installed at the “Frontier Center for Organic System Innovations” that will start its operations [...]

Obducat: Obducat receives order from City University of Hong Kong

By |2014-07-16T13:00:26+00:00July 16th, 2014|

OBDUCAT, leading manufacturer of lithography solutions based on nanoimprint lithography (NIL), has signed a contract concerning supply of an EITRE® 6 NIL system to City University of Hong Kong. The order value is 3 million HK$. The EITRE system will be used in Professor Stella Pang’s research work at the Department of Electronic Engineering at [...]


By |2014-02-13T12:04:16+00:00February 13th, 2014|

OBDUCAT, leading manufacturer of lithography solutions based on nanoimprint lithography, has been invited to participate in an EU funded project, named GREENANOFILM. The project is focused on development and application of ultra-high resolution nano-organized films for next generation opto- and bio-electronics.Current knowledge in modern material science allows for the preparation of a myriad of tailored [...]

Obducat: Obducat secures a Sindre® 400 NIL-system order to be used in mass production of LEDs

By |2014-01-28T07:45:34+00:00January 28th, 2014|

OBDUCAT, leading manufacturer of lithography solutions based on nanoimprint lithography (NIL), has signed a contract concerning supply of a Sindre® 400 NIL system to be used in mass production of µPSS LEDs. The expected revenue value from the contract, which includes the NIL system, consumables as well as service and support during the next two [...]

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